We were asked to evaluate the public housing in Strong City for their 5-year report to HUD. They elected to have us audit only one unit (a row house) rather than all of the units. The unit we inspected was in excellent condition.
We found high carbon monoxide levels when the water heater started up and advised the landlords to install CO detectors in all units for the safety of the tenants.
The leakiest part of the house was the ceiling of the mechanical closet. It is common for these closet ceilings to be left open to allow combustion air for the furnace; however it is far more efficient to seal off the ceiling and provide combustion air from the hallway (or better yet, directly from outside via sealed combustion). The hole in the ceiling was preventing additional insulation from being added to the attic. There were also numerous other penetrations into the attic from wiring and plumbing which needed to be repaired prior to adding insulation.
Both the furnace and water heater would normally have been due for replacement, however this particular tenant had used them so frugally that there was little money to be saved by increasing efficiency. We therefore had to recommend them on grounds of safety rather than efficiency.